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13 Jan 2023

Nepalese cricketer ex-captain released jail !

Sandeep Lamichhane, the cricketer who was sent to prison for pre-trial detention by the District Court of Kathmandu on the charge of rape of a minor, has been released on bail.

Lamichhane was released from prison according to the order of the High Court of Patan. Although the charges are still pending, when Sandeep was released, his supporters welcomed him as if he was innocent.

On Thursday, a joint bench of Justice Dhruvraj Nand and Ramesh Dhakal of Patan High Court ordered the release of cricketer Sandeep Lamichhane on a bail of Rs 20 lakh.

Lamichhane was taken from the jail to Kathmandu District Court at around 2 pm on Friday and there his brother Mohan Lamichhane posted a bail of 20 lakh rupees. Sandeep looked happy as he left the court premises in a yellow dress.

The Patan High Court released him from prison on various conditions along with bail. According to which Sandeep's passport should be stopped, he should not comment on the other party's issues by any means, he should not express his opinion on the case against him, he should not come in contact with the opponent by any means and influence the case, if he has to go outside the Kathmandu Valley, he should give written information to the District Police Office Kathmandu and his mobile phone and The court has set the condition that the police administration will monitor activities including social media. If it is violated, it will be re-imprisoned and remanded.

With Sandeep being released on bail, supporters are hopeful that Lamichhane will be completely cleared and will soon return to the national cricket team.

He was suspended from the national team by the Nepal Cricket Association (CAN) after being accused of rape. Now, with his departure, there will be a discussion on whether or not the suspension imposed on him can be lifted and he can be returned to the national team.

1 Jan 2023

नयाँ वर्ष २०२३ को शुभकामना ! सम्पूर्णमा

नयाँ वर्ष सँगै नयाँ र राम्रा कुरा अवश्य सिकिदै गइन्छ ,
मुख्य कुरा नयाँ वर्ष सँगै विगतमा आफुले गरेका खराब
र आफुमा भएका खराब कुरा त्याग्न सकियोस्
यहि शुभकामना सम्पुर्ण नेपाली मन हरुलाई

तपाईलाई नयाँ वर्षको शुभकामना यही छ कि यस वर्ष तपाईलाई भगवानको आशिर्वाद धेरैभन्दा धेरै मिलोस् ।

नयाँ वर्षले वास्तविक परिवर्तन ल्याउन सक्छ तपाईको जीवनमा । नयाँ प्याकेजमा पुराना बानीहरु हटाउदै । नव वर्षको शुभकामना ।

29 Dec 2022

221 Security personnel returned after the instructions of the Home Minister.

221 security personnel returned after the instructions of the Home Minister.  103 Nepal Police and among them 31 drivers.  Police vehicle drivers were being used as private drivers by the Ministry of Home Affairs personnel against the rules. 118 armed police personnel assigned to VVIP security have been withdrawn against the rules.

28 Dec 2022

रबि लामिछाने ले दाबी गरेको मन्त्रालय हरु! रा.स्वतन्त्र पार्टी ले यी मन्त्रालय हरु पाउलान् त?

राष्ट्रिय स्वतन्त्र पार्टीले पाँच मन्त्रालयमा दाबी गरेको छ । उप तथा गृह मन्त्रालयको शपथ लिइसकेका रवि लामिछानेले सत्ता गठबन्धनका सात दलका नेताको बैठकमा आफूहरुलाई पाँच मन्त्रालय चाहिने अडान राखेको स्रोतले जानकारी दिएको छ । स्रोतका अनुसार शिक्षा र स्वास्थ्यमध्ये एक मन्त्रालय पाउनुपर्ने अडान रास्वपाको छ । त्यस्तैगरी कानुन, कृषि, पर्यटन र युवा तथा खेलकूद मन्त्रालय पाउनुपर्ने दाबी सो पार्टीको रहेको छ ।

27 Dec 2022

Sher bdr Deuba did not leave Baluwatar

Deuba is looking for a house for rent due to the construction work going on in Budanilkanth's house! They couldn't leave Baluwatar because they couldn't find a house.

26 Dec 2022

RAVI LAMICHHANE is going to be the home minister.

Ravi's jump in a short time: Ravi Lamichhane, chairman of the Rashtriya Swatantra Party, will become the Home Minister.  He is going to become Home Minister along with Deputy Prime Minister in Pushpa Kamal Dahal Prachanda's government.

25 Dec 2022

के पि बा काे चमत्कार 😂😂

के पी बा काे उखान टुक्का सारै मन पर्छ हो 😂😂 म त हेरेको हेरै 😂😜 ( शेर बहादुर - नेपाली कांग्रेस ) !!!! १५ वर्ष टिक्छ भन्ने गठ बन्धन ।। १५ मिनट पनि टिकेन,  😂😂 नेपाली कांग्रेसकाे बिचल्ली ।

कठै मेरो देश ! अनि हामी युबा हरुको भाग्य !

"हामी नेपाली को भाग्य "
मैले भर्खरै बिहे गरेको र केही हप्तामै राहदानी लिएर विदेश उड्ने दाजुभाइ दिदीबहिनीहरू देखेँकाे छु !
उसलाई केही ऋण र ऋण भन्दा पनि आफ्नो परिवार र सन्तानको भविष्यको चिन्ताले ग्रस्त भएको देखेकाे छु ! एयरपोर्ट मा कालो झोला र हातमा राहदानी लिएर छोटो पाइन्ट र चप्पल लगाएर आरामको खोजीमा लागेका काकाहरू पनि मैले देखेको छु !

मैले गाउँ घरमा बुढा पाका आमा हरुको घमाइलो  अनुहार देखेकोछु , पारिवारिक भविष्य  बनाउनछु भनी सहर छिरेको छोरा छोरीलाई बुढेशकालमा भैंसी बेचेर राहदानी बनाएको देखेको छु!
मैले शिक्षामा सबैभन्दा मिल्ने साथी, देशकै अग्रणी विद्यार्थी उत्पादन गर्ने विद्यालय, पढाइ र IELTS पढाइको बीचमा छाडेर राम्रो जीवन बिताउन विदेश गएको देखेको छु !

आफ्ना साना छोरा छोरी लाई छाडेर, वर्षौं सम्म आफ्नो काखमा बेरिएर, आफ्नो हातले माया गरेको बुबा, आमाको साथ छोडी एरपोर्ट मा गह भरी आँशु पारी हात हल्लाई साथ छोडेको देखेको छु!

बिरामी परेकी आमा , माथि र तल जान नसक्ने दुई जनाको परिवार देखेको छु, जहाँ विदेशी छोराको आगमनको आशमा मुट्ठीभर सास बचाएको देखेको छु !

मैले हजारौं युवालाई राहदानी बनाउन लाइनमा उभिएको देखेको छु ।
मैले एयरपोर्टमा हजारौं युवाहरू लाइनमा उभिएको देखेको छु।

उड्न नसक्ने, बोल्न नसक्ने, बोलाउन नसक्ने डब्बाभित्र पसेका सयौँ युवाहरू मैले देखेको छु!                         
विदेशमा धेरै सपना साकार भएको देखेको छु ! सपना बुन्दै गरेको न  त निन्द्रा न त भोक  , ५० डिग्री तातोमा बाटोमा ढलेको हरु पनि देखेको छु !

मैले धेरै परिवार छुटेको देखेको छु, आमाले लगाई दिएको निधारकाे रातो टिका सम्झी ,
भित्तामा कैद गरेको आमाको फोटो देखेको छु !

अब हेर्न को लागी केहि बाँकी छैन!  विदेश गएका लाखौं युवाहरू गास बास,कपास र आफ्नो परिवार भविष्य काे लागि आशाको किरण लिएर दिनहुँ आफ्नो भूमि छोड्न बाध्य छ ! 

गाउँ सुनसान ! कसैको मृत्यु भयो भने लाश उठाउन सक्ने युवाहरुको जमात छैन ! कठै मेरो देश ! 

23 Dec 2022


Congratulations KARAN RAI and coach RAJU LAMA for winning the 4th season of the VOICE OF NEPAL .

Ronaldo joining Al Ansari club Saudi !

Portugal football star Cristiano Ronaldo is going to play for Club Al Nasser in Saudi Arabia from January.
 According to Spanish media Marca, Ronaldo is going to be signed to the club on a two and a half year contract.
 37-year-old Ronaldo is about to join the club for 217 million US dollars.
 Al Nasser kept the number 7 jersey open for Ronaldo to come to his club. Before the start of the World Cup in Qatar, Ronaldo decided to end his relationship with Manchester United.
With this, United decided to break the contract so that he can go to any team.
Although there were reports that the club that was playing in the Champions League was trying to bring Ronaldo into their team, Al Nasser had been showing his desire to bring Ronaldo into the team since the beginning.
According to Marca, the total annual contract size with the Saudi Arabian club will be around 200 million euros per season.
The income of PSG stars Lionel Messi and Neymar is 75 million and 70 million euros per season.